Experience Strawberry Picking in La Trinidad, Benguet

the strawberry farm in baguio

Strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet is a highly sought-after activity that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the agricultural charm of the Philippines’ strawberry capital. The experience of plucking fresh strawberries straight from the field has become a favorite pastime for both locals and tourists alike. Located in the scenic municipality of La Trinidad in the province of Benguet, this strawberry farm offers a delightful opportunity to connect with nature and indulge in the sweetness of freshly picked berries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet is a popular activity among visitors.
  • It is recommended to go early in the morning to avoid heavy traffic and secure ripe strawberries.
  • Patience is key when waiting for your turn to pick, and it is advisable only to pick what you can buy.
  • Wear appropriate footwear and refrain from eating the unwashed strawberries.
  • Aside from strawberries, the farm offers lettuce and other fresh produce.

Tips for an Enjoyable Strawberry Picking Experience

To ensure a delightful strawberry-picking adventure in La Trinidad, Benguet, here are some expert tips to keep in mind.

  1. Plan to go early: Arriving at the Strawberry Farm in the morning not only ensures a better chance of picking ripe strawberries but also helps you avoid heavy traffic and large crowds. The serene atmosphere early in the day allows for a more peaceful and enjoyable experience.
  2. Be patient and considerate: Strawberry picking is a popular activity, so there might be a queue or waiting time. Remember to be patient and wait for your turn. It’s also important to exercise good etiquette and only pick what you can buy. This ensures that other visitors can also enjoy the experience and that no strawberries go to waste.
  3. Dress comfortably and wear appropriate footwear: The farm can get muddy, so it’s advisable to wear comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Choose sturdy shoes or boots that provide support and traction, as you’ll be walking in the fields while picking strawberries.

To make your strawberry-picking adventure even more enjoyable, consider bringing a basket or container for collecting the strawberries. Not only does it make it easier to transport them, but it also helps prevent the fruits from getting squashed or damaged.

Tips for an Enjoyable Strawberry Picking Experience
Plan to go early Arriving in the morning ensures ripe strawberries and avoids traffic and crowds.
Be patient and considerate Wait your turn and only pick what you can buy.
Dress comfortably and wear appropriate footwear Choose comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes or boots.
Bring a basket or container Easier transportation and protection for the strawberries.

Aside from strawberry picking, the Strawberry Farm also offers other activities and attractions. You can explore the fields and pick fresh lettuce or other produce, providing an opportunity to engage with agriculture firsthand. Additionally, indulge in the taste of freshly made strawberry ice cream, a popular treat at the farm. Don’t forget to support local businesses by purchasing souvenir items, capturing the essence of your strawberry-picking adventure in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Overall, strawberry picking in La Trinidad offers a wonderful experience for visitors. Follow these expert tips, embrace the charming surroundings, and create lasting memories as you delight in the sweetness of freshly picked strawberries.

Strawberry Picking Etiquette and Safety Precautions

When engaging in the delightful activity of strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet, it is essential to adhere to proper etiquette and take necessary safety precautions. To ensure a pleasant experience for all, here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Be patient: The Strawberry Farm can get busy, especially during peak hours. While waiting for your turn to pick strawberries, practice patience and respect for others.
  2. Pick responsibly: It is important to only pick what you can buy. Avoid wasting strawberries by plucking only the ones you intend to purchase. This helps maintain the farm’s sustainability and ensures fair distribution.
  3. Wear appropriate footwear: As you explore the farm, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes that provide a good grip and protect your feet. The ground can be uneven and muddy in some areas.
  4. Resist the temptation to eat freshly-picked strawberries: While it may be tempting to enjoy the juicy fruit right from the field, it is best to refrain from doing so. The strawberries may have been treated with chemicals or come into contact with dirt, so it is safer to consume them after washing.

Aside from observing proper etiquette, prioritizing safety is also crucial during your strawberry picking adventure. Here are some safety precautions to remember:

  • Apply sunscreen: To protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, apply sunscreen before heading out to the farm. Even on overcast days, UV rays can still penetrate the clouds and cause damage.
  • Stay hydrated: Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout your strawberry picking excursion. Walking around the farm can be tiring, so it is important to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Follow farm rules and guidelines: Pay attention to any safety instructions provided by the farm staff and adhere to the designated areas for picking. This ensures that everyone can enjoy a safe and organized experience.
  • Keep an eye on children: If you are visiting with young children, be sure to supervise them at all times. Watch for uneven terrain or potential hazards that may pose a risk to their safety.

By following these etiquette and safety precautions, you can fully enjoy the experience of strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet, while ensuring the well-being of yourself, fellow visitors, and the farm’s ecosystem.

Etiquette Safety Precautions
Be patient Apply sunscreen
Pick responsibly Stay hydrated
Wear appropriate footwear Follow farm rules and guidelines
Refrain from eating unwashed strawberries Keep an eye on children

Beyond Strawberries: Other Experiences at the Strawberry Farm

While strawberry picking is the highlight of a visit to the Strawberry Farm in La Trinidad, Benguet, there are several other experiences and offerings that should not be overlooked. The farm not only provides a chance to pick fresh strawberries but also offers a variety of activities and products to make your visit even more memorable.

1. Lettuce and Other Produce

In addition to strawberries, the Strawberry Farm in La Trinidad also cultivates lettuce and other produce. Visitors can enjoy the opportunity to pick their own fresh lettuce, adding a unique twist to the agricultural experience. It’s a great chance to get closer to nature and appreciate the process of growing and harvesting different crops.

2. Strawberry Ice Cream

No visit to the Strawberry Farm is complete without indulging in some delicious strawberry ice cream. Made with fresh strawberries from the farm, the ice cream offers a delightful and refreshing treat for visitors. It’s the perfect way to cool down after a fun day of strawberry picking and exploring the farm.

3. Souvenir Items

Supporting local businesses and taking home a piece of the Strawberry Farm experience is made possible through the wide range of souvenir items available. From strawberry-themed merchandise to handmade crafts, there’s something for everyone to remember their visit by. By purchasing these souvenirs, visitors contribute to the sustainability of the farm and the local community.

Overall, a visit to the Strawberry Farm in La Trinidad, Benguet is not just about picking strawberries; it’s a chance to immerse yourself in the agricultural beauty of the region. Whether you’re enjoying the lettuce fields, savoring the strawberry ice cream, or browsing the souvenir items, the farm offers a complete experience that will leave a lasting impression.


Engaging in strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet offers not only a fun-filled agricultural adventure but also an opportunity to revel in the beauty of nature and support local businesses.

If you’re planning a visit to the Strawberry Farm, it’s best to go early in the morning to avoid heavy traffic and have a better chance of picking ripe strawberries. Patience is key when waiting for your turn to pick, and remember to only pick what you can buy. To ensure a comfortable experience, wear appropriate footwear and resist the temptation to eat the freshly-picked strawberries, as they may contain chemicals or dirt.

In addition to strawberries, the farm also offers a variety of other produce, including lettuce. Make the most of your visit by indulging in the delicious strawberry ice cream and supporting local businesses by purchasing souvenir items. Dress comfortably and bring baskets for collecting the strawberries, and don’t forget to explore the opportunity to pick other vegetables as well.

Overall, the experience of strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet is considered to be a memorable and enjoyable activity for visitors. So, embrace the agricultural experience, immerse yourself in nature’s bounty, and make lasting memories at the Strawberry Farm.


When is the best time to go strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet?

It is recommended to go early in the morning to avoid heavy traffic and have a better chance of picking ripe strawberries.

What should I keep in mind while waiting for my turn to pick?

It is important to be patient and only pick what you can buy to avoid wasting strawberries.

What footwear should I wear for strawberry picking?

It is advised to wear appropriate footwear for walking in the farm, such as closed-toe shoes or boots.

Can I eat the freshly picked strawberries?

It is recommended to avoid eating the picked strawberries as they may have been exposed to potential chemicals or dirt.

What other produce can be picked at the Strawberry Farm?

In addition to strawberries, the farm also offers lettuce and other vegetables that visitors can pick.

Should I try the strawberry ice cream and buy souvenir items?

Yes, visitors are encouraged to support local businesses by trying the delicious strawberry ice cream and purchasing souvenir items.

How can I make the most of my strawberry-picking experience?

It is recommended to go early to avoid crowds, dress comfortably, and bring baskets for collecting the strawberries.

Is strawberry picking in La Trinidad a memorable and enjoyable activity?

Yes, strawberry picking in La Trinidad is considered to be a memorable and enjoyable experience for visitors.

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